
Dazzler makes extensive use of a config system accessible thru the application config property. The values of the config can set by, in order of priority:

  • Code

  • CLI Argument

  • Environment variable

  • Config file


Generate an empty configuration file at the root of the project:

$ dazzler dump-configs dazzler.toml

Default config

# Dazzler configuration

app_title = "Dazzler" # Name of the title of the index.
host = "" # Host address
port = 8150 # Port of the server

# Try to open the server starting from port until success.
port_range = false
version = "0.1.0" # App version
debug = false

# Route prefix for all dazzler related endpoints.
route_prefix = ""

# Path relative to project folder where files will be served.
static_folder = "static"
static_prefix = "/static" # Prefix for the static route
secret_key = "Please change me" # Secret key to use for signing sessions.

# Directory where pages will be automatically added to the app, path is
# relative to the app file. Unsupported with electron
pages_directory = "pages"

enable = true

# Type of session backend to use. Choices: File, Redis, PostgreSQL
backend = "File"
# salt = # Uncomment to use
cookie_name = "sessionid" # Name of the session cookie.

# Maximum duration of a session in seconds. (Default=30 days)
duration = 2592000

# Refresh the session when accessed after this number of seconds.
# (Default=7 days)
refresh_after = 604800


# Prefer serving external requirements when available
prefer_external = false

# List of urls to include as script requirement.
external_scripts = []

# List of files to include as script requirement.
internal_scripts = []

# List of urls to include as style requirement.
external_styles = []

# List of files to include as script requirement.
internal_styles = []

# Where requirements files will be copied to serve as static. If left
# empty, a user directory will be used.
static_directory = ""
static_url = "/dazzler/requirements/static" # Url to use for the requirements static.

# Remove the requirements directory before copying the new requirements.
clean_directory = true


# Number of times it will try to reconnect when the websocket connection
# is lost.
retries = 20

# Enable to send a ping every interval to keep the websocket connected
# if it didn't send data after a delay. Some hosts providers will
# automatically closes idling connection after a while.
ping = false
ping_interval = 25.0 # Interval at which to send ping data.

enable = false

# Path to an instance or subclass of `dazzler.system.auth.Authenticator`
authenticator = ""

# Path to an instance or subclass of `dazzler.system.auth.AuthBackend`
backend = ""


# Url to use by default if no next_url is available.
default_redirect = "/"
page_title = "Login" # Title of the login page

# Url for the login page and related routes.
page_url = "/auth"
form_header = "Sign In" # Title of the login form.

enable = true

# Require the user to provide an email on the register page.
require_email = true
page_name = "register" # Name of the register page
page_url = "/auth/register"
custom_fields = []

# Redirect to after successfully creating a new user.
next_url = "/"

# Prevent registering with those usernames, case insensitive.
reserved_usernames = ["admin", "administrator", "staff", "user", "superuser", "moderator"]
username_pattern = "[\\w\\d\\-_]+" # Pattern to match the username input.


# Enable the user admin page to manage role & users.
enable = false
page_url = "/auth/admin" # Url for the admin page.

# Must be set if enabled, path to an subclass of UserAdminPage
page_ref = ""
page_name = "user_admin"
page_title = "User Administration"

# Authorizations required to access the user admin page
authorizations = ["admin"]


# Enable hot reload when files used by the application are changed.
reload = false

# Interval at which the reload checks for file changes.
reload_interval = 0.5

# Time to wait from first detected change to actual reload.
reload_threshold = 3.0

# Delay until the reloader start watching for changes.Some libraries
# changes their files when first run.
reload_delay = 5.0


# List of page names to create a window from.
windows = []

# Path to a file to use as electron-builder configuration.
# build_config_file = # Uncomment to use

# Save the window size in the app local directory as json.
save_window_size = true

# Path to the icon to use for the application. For windows .ico works
# best when created with multiple resolutions. Otherwise a PNG 512x512.
icon = ""

# Package the application using asar, not recommended toset to false by
# electron-builder but if you have trouble with packaging extra files
# you can disable this.
asar = true

# Default window size to use when first creating the window.

width = 800 # Default width of the window.
height = 600 # Default height of the window.
fullscreen = false


# Add a loading window while waiting for the server to be available.
enabled = false

# Path to an html file to use as loading window.
html_file = ""
title = "Loading"

# Html to include on top of the default loading spinner
header = ""
footer = "<div>loading</div>"

width = 300 # Width of the loading window.
height = 400 # Height of the loading window.

# Custom title to use for the loading window.
# title = # Uncomment to use
fullscreen = false

# Center the loading window in the middleof the screen.
center = true
resizable = false
minimizable = false
maximizable = false

# Turn off to activate icon on the taskbar with the loading window.
skip_taskbar = true

# Create a frameless window if disabled, it has no toolbars.
frame = false
opacity = 1.0
transparent = false

# Options: default, hidden, hiddenInset, customButtonsOnHover
title_bar_style = "default"
click_through = true

# Target package.json attributes and should be defined.

# App name to use when packaging. No spaces.
app_name = ""

# Description of the application to use when packaging.
description = ""

# Url for the project. (Required for NuGet or Linux Package URL)
homepage = ""
license = "" # Name of the license. (Linux only)

name = ""
email = ""


# The appId to use for the build, it is recommended to change.
# app_id = # Uncomment to use

# Executable name that can contains spaces. Defaults to
# product_name = # Uncomment to use
copyright = "Copyright © year ${author}" # Copyright line to use in the installer.
electron_version = "^16.0.2" # Electron version to use for the build.

# Electron builder version to use for the build.
electron_builder_version = "^22.11.7"

# options_file = # Uncomment to use

# List of architecture to target. Possible values: “x64” | “ia32” |
# “armv7l” | “arm64”> | “x64” | “ia32” | “armv7l” | “arm64”
# arch = # Uncomment to use

# For multi platform targets like 7z and zip, specify the platform (os)
# to configure. One of: "win", "linux", "mac"
# platform = # Uncomment to use

# maintainer = # Uncomment to use
# vendor = # Uncomment to use
# synopsis = # Uncomment to use
# category = # Uncomment to use
# executable_name = # Uncomment to use
# mime_types = # Uncomment to use

# legal_trademarks = # Uncomment to use
# signing_hash_algorithms = # Uncomment to use
# certificate_file = # Uncomment to use
# certificate_password = # Uncomment to use
# certificate_subject_name = # Uncomment to use
# certificate_sha1 = # Uncomment to use
# additional_certificate_file = # Uncomment to use
# publisher_name = # Uncomment to use
# verify_update_code_signature = # Uncomment to use
# requested_execution_level = # Uncomment to use

# entitlements = # Uncomment to use
# entitlements_inherit = # Uncomment to use
# provisioning_profile = # Uncomment to use
# type = # Uncomment to use
# binaries = # Uncomment to use
# hardened_runtime = # Uncomment to use
# gatekeeper_assess = # Uncomment to use


# One of: "generic", "bintray", "github", "s3", "spaces", "snap"
provider = ""

url = ""
channel = "latest"
# use_multiple_range_request = # Uncomment to use

package = ""
repo = "generic"
# owner = # Uncomment to use
# component = # Uncomment to use
# distribution = # Uncomment to use
# user = # Uncomment to use
# token = # Uncomment to use

# repo = # Uncomment to use
# owner = # Uncomment to use
v_prefixed_tag_name = true
host = ""
protocol = "https"
# token = # Uncomment to use
# private = # Uncomment to use
release_type = "draft"

# Help

bucket = ""
# region = # Uncomment to use
# acl = # Uncomment to use
# storage_class = # Uncomment to use
# encryption = # Uncomment to use
# endpoint = # Uncomment to use
# channel = # Uncomment to use
# path = # Uncomment to use

# Digital ocean, define DO_KEY_ID & DO_SECRET_KEY

# name = # Uncomment to use
# region = # Uncomment to use
# channel = # Uncomment to use
# path = # Uncomment to use
# acl = # Uncomment to use

channels = ["edge"]

See also

Config system provided by Precept