******** Electron ******** Create desktop applications with Dazzler and `Electron `_. .. tip:: Quickstart with a Github template: https://github.com/T4rk1n/dazzler-electron-template Requirements ============ - Install npm first: https://www.npmjs.com/ - Install electron dependencies: ``pip install dazzler[electron]`` For developing and running app locally, you will need to install electron somewhere on your path: ``npm i -G electron`` Commands ======== - Run a local instance of your application: ``dazzler electron app.py`` - Package your application: ``dazzler electron-build app.py`` - Publish: ``dazzler electron-build app.py --publish`` Configuration ============= Dazzler electron requires a config file to work properly. Generate a new config with all the defaults: ``dazzler dump-configs dazzler.toml``. To override the config file used by dazzler, you can provide the `-c` option before the command (eg: ``dazzler -c production.toml electron-build app.py``). The target application must call :py:meth:`~.dazzler.Dazzler.start` in the main section. .. code-block:: python from dazzler import Dazzler app = Dazzler(__name__) if __name__ == '__main__': app.start() Page Windows ------------ To create a window, add a page to ``electron.windows`` with the page name. If the application contains only one page, it will automatically create a window for it. .. code-block:: toml [electron] windows = ["main"] A window will be created for each entry if a matching :py:class:`~.dazzler.system.Page` is found. Window settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To set window attributes like width and height, add settings to the page with the :py:class:`~.dazzler.system.Page` parameter ``electron_window``. .. code-block:: python from dazzler.system import Page page = Page( __name__, 'component', electron_window={'width': 1048, 'height': 768} ) .. seealso:: - :py:class:`~.dazzler.electron.ElectronWindowSettings` - Electron BrowserWindow reference: https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/api/browser-window Default size ++++++++++++ Defaults size for all windows can be set with configs: .. code-block:: toml [electron.window_size] width = 800 height = 600 fullscreen = false Window state at runtime ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Use :py:class:`~.dazzler.electron.components.WindowState` to read and control the window state after the application has started. .. code-block:: python from dazzler.system import Page from dazzler.components.core import Text, Container from dazzler.components.electron import WindowState page = Page( 'dazzler_electron', Container([ WindowState(identity='window'), Box([Text('Width: '), Text(identity='width-output')]) ]) ) page.tie('width@window', 'text@width-output') Save window size ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Save the window size on quit and reload them when re-opening the application. .. code-block:: toml [electron] save_window_size = true Multiple instances ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To allow multiple instances of the application, set the ``port_range`` config to true to have a new port assigned for each new instances. .. code-block:: toml port = 62895 port_range = true Loading window -------------- The ``[electron.loading_window]`` config section is used to create a loading window on startup if the server instance has to load data and takes longer to start. The window look can be customized in with either a custom html file or adding a header/footer. .. code-block:: toml [electron.loading_window] enabled = true html_file = "/path/to/html" header = "
" footer = "
" The options config is the window settings for the loading window, the defaults values place a small window in the middle of the screen without a frame. **Slow to load on windows** The packaged executable is slow to load the initial window on Windows due to Windows Defender. You need to sign your application to load instantly, the loading window is also affected by that. Packaging --------- Packaging the application needs a few config to be setup, ``[electron.metadata]`` section should be filled up, the ``app_name`` needs to set for the name of the executable. The default target is ``dir`` which output the executable in a directory. The default output directory is ``electron`` and can be changed with the command parameter ``-o``. Inside that folder will be generated the package.json and node_modules installed for the build, the target files can be found in the dist folder and the electron executable is located in ``dist/{platform}-unpacked`` directory with the given ``app_name``. Publish ^^^^^^^ Publish the application using the parameter ``--publish`` for the ``electron-build`` command. ``electron.publish.provider`` must set in the configs with the related options. Evaluating if the application is packaged ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use :py:func:`~.dazzler.electron.is_compiled` to determine if the application is running when compiled. .. code-block:: python from dazzler import Dazzler from dazzler.electron import is_compiled app = Dazzler(__name__) ... if __name__ == '__main__': if is_compiled(): app.start('') else: app.start('--reload') Limitations =========== - No support for ``pages_directory`` config option. - Auth system should be disabled. - Session system should be disabled. Development tips ================ - Do not include secrets inside the app, the binary can easily be decompiled. - If there's an error in the startup, electron will still be alive and after a while will consume lots of memory/cpu resources. Kill the processes manually via command line or task manager on windows. If porting an existing web app: - Do not connect directly to databases, create external services api and fetch from them. - If loading lot of data on startup, think of putting that inside a binding instead so the startup is faster. .. seealso:: - :doc:`../examples/electron_app` example.