
The session system is a key/value system associated with each client connected. Accessible in bindings context with the session attribute.


The session system is activated by default!


Enable/disable the session system:

enable = true

Set the cookie name to put the session id:

cookie_name = 'session'

Duration options:

# Maximum duration of a session in seconds. (Default=30 days)
duration = 2592000

# Refresh the session when accessed after this number of seconds.
# (Default=7 days)
refresh_after = 604800

Secure the cookie with:

secret_key = 'something-randomly-long'

salt = 'generate-a-hash'


Choose a backend from:


Default backend, associate a json file stored in app data to each user session. Not recommended for production environments.


Recommended, store the data in the session table.


Fast key value databases are perfect as session store.

Session Methods

Three operation can be done on key value pairs:

See also


Usage via binding

A session object is available via the BindingContext`

async def on_click(ctx: BindingContext):
    my_value = await ctx.session.get('my_value')

Usage via route

Also available via the request object for regular routes.

async def my_route(request):
    my_value = await request['session'].get('my_value')